Course Description

  • Classic Moves for Less Flexible Bodies

    The Allegra, the Janeiro, and the Marion Amber are impressive moves that are bound to get a wave of applause when executed beautifully on stage. In the years that I have been teaching, I have always been surprised how these moves have eluded some perfectly capable pole students. I learned that the majority of the time, it was not a lack of flexibility but rather technique what held back many students from achieving these moves. In this workshop, I explain how you can use technique to your advantage when executing these moves, and show you several body adjustments you can implement to by-pass the requirement for a significant amount of flexibility.

Workshop curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Warm Up

    1. Allegra

    2. Janeiro

    3. Marion Amber

    1. Cool Down

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content