Professional Progressive Educational

Learn with confidence from the comfort of your own home. Whether you are purchasing our online manual to challenge the exam or are taking the online course, you can feel confident in the comprehensive material you will find covered in all of the Movement Arts Academy online material. We have been offering comprehensive certification courses for over 13 years. Our courses are accredited by canfitpro and we have certified hundreds of successful instructors since our founding. You can feel confident in the skills you will learn to become a successful instructor, ready to take on new students and feel supported the whole way by our team.

What others have to say:

Thoroughly Impressed

by Paula Ryan PR Pole Fit inc. Orromocto, NB

If you are looking to further your own personal pole journey with added education or if you are looking to become a certified pole fitness instructor, then you need to attend CPFA’s in person or online academy courses. Let me tell you a little bit about me, and why I have invested my self and my studio in the CPFA family. I grew up extremely active in the competitive figure skating world. For 12 years I completed, tested and performed on top of coaching for 10 years. The initial training and ongoing training I participated in was in depth and extremely detailed. I had great coaches and I also had not so great coaches (for me) these experiences really laid the ground for what I expected for myself as a coach/instructor and also what I expect from my coaches/instructors in my pole fitness studio. I have taken other certifications in the past but felt as though there were gaps in the programs, and even though I was “certified” I was left feeling like I needed more, there was just something missing. What I found with CPFA is exactly what I had been searching for. I have taken in person and online certifications and have been thoroughly impressed with both. From detailed videos, accompanied with deeper written descriptions in every section, professional and knowledgeable in person instruction focused on the material and delivering that information quickly but in detail. With multi levels to the certification with written, physical and added theory plus first aid. I am so impressed. Starting with the beginner certification, It truly sets you up for success if you are a new instructor, pole enthusiast or opening your first studio, all the behind the scenes information you may not always think about. The added portion that has sealed my evolvement and support to CPFA is the one on one consolation that literally eased all my stress around opening my studio. To be able to have a real time conversation with a leader in our industry to ask the hard questions and get real advice and support is second to none. I have been in a constant state of rule living that has made it difficult to attend in person courses. With CPFA, me and my team can continue learning through the online academy to maintain our certifications If we are unable to get to an in-person course. Also being a new mom and military wife, this option makes a huge impact on me. Is the certification a lot of work? Yes. But what would we be getting out of a certification that is easy? I want my clients to know they are safe when attending our classes, in addition to knowing they have knowledgeable instructors who are current in their programing, skill, execution and delivery of material. I want to be proud of the work we put in for our certifications on the wall. Some of the skills we work on with clients can be extremely dangerous if not properly broken down, delivered and spotted. I can feel comfortable knowing that me and my team have been trained properly from experienced professional instructors through CPFA

Great Course!


I really enjoyed the balance between theory/discussion and hands on/physical activity. I also liked breaking down each of the spins and doing them on both sides. I really appreciated that Elisabeth broke down the biomechanics of each spin and provided important verbal cues that will ensure the safety and progression of our students (ex.: “pull the pole into the basement”). Elisabeth is an amazing instructor. It is a privilege to learn from her. She is confident, knowledgeable, approachable, experienced, clear in her explanations and most importantly, she genuinely wants her students to succeed. She makes me look forward to my journey teaching pole, and I find comfort in knowing that she is always an email away to help me with whatever I may need.

Get started on your certification journey today!

Join the hundreds of knowledgeable instructors the Movement Arts Online Academy has had the pleasure of training to become educated, confident and successful pole and aerial hoop trainers.