Beginner Aerial Hoop and Fitness Theory Certification Courses
BundleSave when you purchase both courses together. You have access for one year to both and to complete the certification requirements
Ensemble de cours de certification du pôle débutant et de théorie du fitness
Beginner Pole Instructor Certification and Fitness Theory
BundleSave when you purchase both the Beginner Pole Dance Certification Course and Fitness Theory Course.
Beginner Erotic and Intro to Pole Certification Courses
BundleSave $50 by purchasing the Beginner Erotic Pole and Intro to Pole Course together.
Pre-order available now!
Théorie de la Condition Physique- Francais
CourseLe cours de théorie du fitness de la Movement Arts Academy est conçu pour fournir une base solide en science de l'exercice, en biomécanique et en principes du mouvement.
Fitness Theory - English
CourseThe Fitness Theory Course at The Movement Arts Academy is designed to provide a strong foundation in exercise science, biomechanics, and movement principles.